Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad | Rock & Art

Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman, born Araminta Ross in 1822, is a name synonymous with freedom, courage, and resilience. Known primarily for her role as a conductor on the Underground Railroad, Tubman’s legacy extends far beyond her daring rescues. Her life’s work spans abolitionism, military service, and advocacy for women’s suffrage, making her an enduring symbol of heroism and determination. This blog delves into the multifaceted life of Harriet Tubman, exploring her early years, her escape from slavery, her work with the Underground Railroad, and her contributions to the broader struggle for equality.

Early Life: Born into Bondage

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Dorchester County, Maryland. Her parents, Harriet Green and Ben Ross, were both enslaved, and Tubman experienced the brutal realities of slavery from a young age. One of nine siblings, her family was often subjected to the heart-wrenching separation that was common among enslaved people. Tubman’s early years were marked by hardship, but also by a fierce sense of independence and spirituality. She was deeply religious, believing that she was chosen by God for a greater purpose.

Childhood and Trauma

From the age of five, Tubman was hired out to various masters, suffering abuse and neglect. One of the most traumatic incidents of her early life occurred when she was hit in the head with a heavy metal weight, which a supervisor threw at another slave but struck Tubman instead. This injury caused her to experience narcolepsy and severe headaches for the rest of her life. Despite this, Tubman’s resolve only grew stronger, her visions and dreams—believed to be divine messages—guiding her towards a life of service and sacrifice.

The Escape: Breaking Chains

In 1849, at the age of 27, Harriet Tubman made the courageous decision to escape from slavery. She utilised the covert network known as the Underground Railroad, a series of secret routes and safe houses used by enslaved African Americans to escape to free states and Canada. With the aid of sympathetic abolitionists, Tubman travelled by night, guided by the North Star. Her journey was perilous, but Tubman’s tenacity and faith saw her through.

The Decision to Return

Having tasted freedom, Tubman could not remain idle while her family and friends remained enslaved. She resolved to return to the South multiple times, risking her life to lead others to freedom. This decision set her on the path to becoming one of the most renowned conductors of the Underground Railroad. Tubman’s intimate knowledge of the landscape and her ability to navigate the treacherous routes undetected made her an invaluable asset to the abolitionist movement.

Conductor on the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman’s work on the Underground Railroad is perhaps her most celebrated achievement. Over the course of a decade, she made 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people, including her family. Her success earned her the nickname “Moses,” reflecting her role as a deliverer of her people from the bondage of slavery.

Strategies and Tactics

Tubman’s operations were marked by meticulous planning and an acute understanding of human behaviour. She often timed her rescue missions to coincide with the Sabbath, knowing that officials would be less active in their pursuits. Tubman also employed various disguises and used songs as coded messages to communicate with her charges. Her knowledge of herbal medicine helped her tend to the sick and injured during their perilous journeys.

The Network of Support

The success of the Underground Railroad relied on a network of abolitionists, both black and white, who provided safe houses and resources. Tubman worked closely with figures such as William Still, a prominent African American abolitionist who documented the stories of those who escaped, and Thomas Garrett, a Quaker who provided shelter and financial support. This network was crucial in sustaining Tubman’s efforts and ensuring the safety of those she guided to freedom.

Beyond the Underground Railroad: Civil War and Beyond

Harriet Tubman’s commitment to freedom and justice extended beyond her work with the Underground Railroad. During the American Civil War, she served as a nurse, cook, scout, and spy for the Union Army. Her contributions were invaluable, and she played a crucial role in several key operations, including the Combahee River Raid, which resulted in the liberation of more than 700 enslaved people.

Nurse and Healer

Tubman’s knowledge of herbal remedies and her experience caring for the sick made her an effective nurse. She treated soldiers suffering from dysentery and smallpox, often using traditional African and Native American healing practices. Tubman’s compassion and dedication earned her the respect and admiration of the soldiers she cared for.

Spy and Scout

Tubman’s role as a spy and scout was particularly significant. She was recruited by Union Colonel James Montgomery and participated in missions to gather intelligence and recruit enslaved people to join the Union Army. Her most notable achievement in this capacity was the Combahee River Raid in South Carolina. Tubman guided Union boats through the treacherous waters, leading to the successful raid on several plantations and the liberation of hundreds of enslaved people.

Advocate for Women’s Rights

After the Civil War, Harriet Tubman continued to fight for equality, turning her attention to the women’s suffrage movement. She became a prominent advocate for women’s rights, working alongside leaders such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Tubman believed that the fight for racial equality was intrinsically linked to the fight for gender equality.

Public Speaking and Advocacy

Tubman was an effective speaker, drawing on her personal experiences to highlight the injustices faced by both women and African Americans. Her speeches were powerful, infused with her indomitable spirit and unwavering belief in justice. Tubman’s advocacy extended to her community, where she established the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged, providing care and support for elderly African Americans.

Legacy and Recognition

Harriet Tubman’s contributions have been recognised posthumously with numerous honours and commemorations. Her legacy as a freedom fighter and advocate for justice continues to inspire generations. Tubman’s life is a testament to the power of courage, faith, and resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity.

The Impact of Harriet Tubman on Modern Movements

Harriet Tubman’s legacy is not confined to the annals of history. Her life and work continue to resonate with contemporary movements for social justice and equality. Tubman’s example serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of courage and conviction in the fight against oppression.

Influence on the Civil Rights Movement

Tubman’s legacy provided inspiration for the civil rights activists of the 1950s and 1960s. Figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks drew on Tubman’s example in their own struggles for racial equality. Tubman’s life demonstrated the power of individual action in the face of systemic injustice, a lesson that continues to be relevant today.

Resonance with Modern Activism

Today, Tubman’s story continues to inspire activists fighting against modern forms of slavery and human trafficking. Her commitment to freedom and justice serves as a guiding light for those working to end exploitation and oppression in all its forms. Tubman’s legacy also resonates with the Black Lives Matter movement, which seeks to address the ongoing injustices faced by African Americans in the United States.

Harriet Tubman’s extraordinary life has been the subject of numerous books, films, and other media, ensuring that her story reaches new audiences. Her portrayal in popular culture helps to keep her legacy alive, highlighting the relevance of her struggles and triumphs.

Literature and Film

Books such as “Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom” by Catherine Clinton and “Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero” by Kate Clifford Larson provide detailed accounts of Tubman’s life and achievements. The 2019 film “Harriet,” directed by Kasi Lemmons and starring Cynthia Erivo, brought Tubman’s story to the big screen, introducing her to a new generation.

Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad | Rock & Art

Educational Initiatives

Tubman’s life is also a focal point in educational initiatives aimed at teaching young people about the history of slavery and the fight for civil rights. Her story is included in school curricula and is often highlighted during Black History Month. These efforts ensure that Tubman’s contributions are recognised and that her legacy continues to inspire future generations.

Conclusion: The Enduring Legacy of Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman’s life is a powerful narrative of bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to justice. From her early years in bondage to her daring missions on the Underground Railroad, and from her contributions during the Civil War to her advocacy for women’s rights, Tubman’s legacy is one of profound impact and inspiration.

Her story is not just a chapter in history but a beacon of hope and resilience for all who fight for freedom and equality. As we continue to confront the injustices of our time, Harriet Tubman’s life reminds us of the power of courage and the importance of standing up for what is right, regardless of the obstacles in our path. Tubman’s spirit lives on in the ongoing struggle for justice, serving as a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit.

By celebrating and remembering Harriet Tubman, we honour not only her incredible achievements but also the countless others who, like her, have fought and continue to fight for a better, more just world. Her legacy is a reminder that the pursuit of freedom and equality is a journey that requires relentless determination, unwavering faith, and above all, courage.
